Procedure for ordering SIGVIEW

Visit for further info about pricing and ordering options.

After choosing license type and options, you will be forwarded to our online shop where you can proceed with your order.

All major credit cards and numerous currencies are accepted. Wire transfer or check payments are also available.

What will happen after you order a SIGVIEW license?

You will receive an email containing your registration data. It is a combination of your user name, e-mail address, and registration key. You should enter these values in the registration dialog (Help/Registration… in menu).

The registration data in the email would look like this:

User name:CompanyName, John Doe
Registration key:XITRIUWEYLFF

If you copy the textual content of the registration email to the clipboard before opening registration dialog, your registration data will be automatically recognized and entered in the dialog fields. If you copy the content of the email to the clipboard while the dialog is open, you can still retrieve the values automatically by clicking on "Get from clipboard" button.

Of course, you can also enter the values manually. It is important that the values are entered exactly as stated in the registration email, case-sensitive and without leading or trailing blanks.

After pressing OK, you will have to close SIGVIEW and open it again in order to activate the new registration data. 

If your registration was successful, your registration data will be shown in the SIGVIEW About box (Help/About… in menu).

If your trial period has already expired, you will be able to enter registration data immediately after starting SIGVIEW, before the “Trial expired…” message.

If you have any problems or need additional info, please send an e-mail to